Agape House

Every Wednesday at 5:30 pm

DeUMC Sanctuary and outdoors

Agape House is a group of children, youth and adults that meets every Wednesday evening for fun, food, fellowship, and Christian education. The evening begins with games and recreation – outside when weather permits – then everyone comes inside for food, music and worship. The youth attend classes that are divided by ages. Rides in and around town are provided at the end of Agape House. Just come join in on any Wednesday evening. For more information, please contact Angie Baughman at (618) 201-0139 or


Murphysboro UMC Youth Groups

Murphysboro United Methodist Church

All youth are invited to regular youth groups held at Murphysboro United Methodist Church. Jr. High and Sr. High youth meet weekly in the MUMC Sr. High Room 100 from 4:00 – 6:00 pm. The children’s youth group (3rd – 5th grades) meets with the older groups approximately once per month for special outings and activities. Please contact Sage Lintner at for more information.




Wednesdays at 5:30 pm, come for fun, food, fellowship, music, and Christian education. Click here to visit the Agape House website.



Kick off the school year with the annual Back to School Bash held every fall.




Camp offers fun, fellowship and opportunity for developing a closer relationship with God. Camp is held every summer at Little Grassy. Click here for more details.




Children ages 3 through 5th grade are invited to Vacation Bible School held every July at Murphysboro United Methodist Church. It is typically held on a Sunday through Thursday, in the evening from 5:00 – 8:00 pm. A meal is served each evening. 


Confirmation is a spiritual journey involving a wide range of both educational and spiritual experiences. The two-year program through Murphysboro UMC is conducted in several 4 to 6 week sessions along with two summer trip experiences. Youth move toward the fulfillment of Ephesians 3:17, “that Christ may dwell in our hearts through faith.” Click here for details.


Every summer in June, three Children’s Story Time sessions are held at Senior Citizens Park in DeSoto. The sessions are typically three consecutive Mondays at 10:00 am. Children of all ages enjoy interactive Bible stories, songs, crafts and refreshments.