THE PILGRIMAGE![PilgrimageGraphic2](
What is the Pilgrimage?
What are the five modules?
- Various components of worship and how they influence style
- Liturgical seasons of the Christian calendar
- Celebration of sacraments
- Feasts and celebrations in Jewish worship
- How Jewish worship influences Christian worship
- Teachings of Jesus
- Holy Week & Easter
- Presence of the Holy Spirit
- Understanding Jesus as Lord
- Passion of Jesus
- Atonement
- Living in response to His teachings
- Trip to Eureka Springs, Arkansas, to visit the Passion Play
Module 3: What is the Bible?
- What is contained in the Bible
- Who wrote it and how it was formed
- Pieces/components of the Bible
- Books of Old and New Testaments
- Disciplines for how to read the Bible
- Major bible stories and characters
Module 4: What is the UMC?
- Structure of the United Methodist Church
- General church level
- Conference level
- Local church level
- History and development of the United Methodist movement
- Trip to Nashville, Tennessee, to visit General Board offices and
Upper Room chapel
Module 5: What are Spiritual Disciplines?
- Definition and understanding of what they are
- Impact of spiritual disciplines on our Christian walk
- How we use them
- John Wesley’s understanding of the Means of Grace
- Emphasis on prayer
What is involved with the two trips?
One trip is to Eureka Springs, Arkansas, to view the Passion Play. Participants must attend the module ‘Who is Jesus’ in order to participate in this trip, as part of the module will be conducted during the trip.
The other trip is to Nashville, Tennessee, to visit the General Board of Discipleship, General Board of Communications, and General Board of Higher Education. Participants must attend the module on ‘What is the United Methodist Church? in order to participate in this trip.
Where did the Pilgrimage come from?
What is the schedule for the Pilgrimage?
Module 1, titled What is Worship?, was held at MUMC on five Sundays in Spring 2016: April 17, April 24, May 1, May 15, & May 22.
Module 2, titled Who is Jesus?, was held at MUMC on three consecutive Thursdays in Fall 2016: August 25, September 1, & September 8.
Module 3, titled What is the Bible?, was held at MUMC on three Thursdays in Spring 2017: April 27, May 4, & May 18.
Module 4, titled Spiritual Disciplines, will be held at MUMC on August 17, August 24, & September 7, 2017.
Module 5, titled The United Methodist Church, will be held at MUMC on October 27 & November 2, 2017.
The trip to Nashville, TN will be November 7 – 9, 2017.
How do I participate?
A few weeks before each module begins, there will be information announced in MUMC Sunday Bulletins, MUMC Compass Newsletters, and on the MUMC Events page. You can sign up on the attendance pad during either of the MUMC worship services, or by contacting the MUMC Church Office.
You are invited to make the Pilgrimage a next step on your trail of discipleship!