It is a goal of the church to be involved in our community by contributing to the life of the community in positive and meaningful ways. One way to achieve that goal is by opening the church building on a regular basis to various groups who need a place to meet. The following activities have a “home” in our church.
Alcoholics Anonymous
There are three weekly meetings associated with Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) at Murphysboro United Methodist Church, including a closed AA meeting on Saturday mornings from 10:00 – 11:00 am that is limited to people who want to stop drinking. There is an AA meeting on Wednesday evenings from 7:00 – 8:00 pm and an AA Big Book study on Monday evenings from 7:00 – 8:00 pm that are open to anyone. We would be glad to have anyone who thinks he or she is having a problem with alcohol attend with us. There is a question that we have asked ourselves and it is “Are you drinking more and enjoying it less?”. If you think you have a problem, please come to a meeting and share with us. AA has helped many people around the world with this problem. This is a meeting for both men and women and we would be happy to have you. Contact Ed at (618) 534-4971 for more information.
At Al‑Anon family group meetings, the friends and family members of problem drinkers share their experiences and learn how to apply the principles of the Al‑Anon program to their individual situations. They learn that they are not alone in the problems they face, and that they have choices that lead to greater peace of mind, whether the drinker continues to drink or not. There is an Al-Anon meeting on Wednesday evenings from 7:00 – 8:00 pm at Murphysboro United Methodist Church. Contact Ed at (618) 534-4971 for more information.
MUMC provides the meeting place for the following groups:
Cub Scout Pack 112: 1st – 5th grades Tigers, Wolves, Bears; 1st & 2nd year Webelos
Boy Scout Pack 114
Round Table of local Boy Scouts of America (BSA) leaders
Girl Scout troops 8149, 8189, and 8225
For Boy Scout information, contact Lewis Akers at (618) 351-1430. For Girl Scout information, contact Tonya Walker at (618) 559-0573.
Weddings and Funerals
In addition to weddings conducted for our church family, MUMC works with other individuals to provide beautiful sanctuary space for their wedding ceremony. MUMC also works with congregations in the community to enable them to use the sanctuary for funeral services. For more information, please contact the Church Office at or (618) 687-2317.