Children in the 5th grade and older are given the opportunity to participate in the Murphysboro United Methodist Church Confirmation program.
Confirmation is primarily a spiritual journey involving a wide range of both educational and spiritual experiences. The program is conducted in several four to six week sessions along with two summer trip experiences; one to the Branson, MO area and one to Nashville, TN.
Led by Pastor Larry, students will study the Bible, Church Calendar and various important religious holidays. They will spend time examining who Jesus is and the importance of his life, death and teachings. They will look at both the structure of the UM denomination and the operations of the local church along with time spent experiencing and understanding various spiritual disciplines.
The church underwrites the full expense of this program so there is no cost associated with participating in confirmation. It is however a significant commitment which takes a little over two years to complete. It is expected that students will attend at least 80% of the sessions and both summer trips.
It is Pastor Larry’s goal to make confirmation a fun learning environment, to spend a significant amount of time with each student, and to share his personal faith with them. The theme for confirmation is found in one of Pastor Larry’s favorite verses of scripture: Ephesians 3:17 “THAT CHRIST MAY DWELL IN OUR HEARTS THROUGH FAITH.” Every confirmation student will learn these words and be able to offer them as the explanation for why we spend so much time, energy and money on our confirmation program.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Pastor Larry at 618-201-2658 or