MUMC Mom’s Group

MUMC Mom’s Group is a group of mothers mostly in their 30’s and 40’s who join together to read and discuss Christian books and scripture-based studies and apply them to life. The group completes several books or studies each year and meets weekly or every other week during that time, sometimes at Murphysboro United Methodist Church and sometimes in the leaders’ homes. Past studies include So Long, Insecurity by Beth Moore, What’s It Like to Be Married to Me by Linda Dillow, and Unglued by Lysa TerKeurst, among others. The group also shares in a variety of fellowship activities. New faces are always warmly welcomed! Please contact Scarlett Pierson at piersonscarlett@icloud.com for more information.

Annual Women’s Prayer Breakfast

Held every year on the first Saturday in May at Murphysboro United Methodist Church, women of all ages come together for a time of fellowship, inspiration and great food! Great speakers, music, conversation, and prayer emphasis combine to create an annual event that all women look forward to! Please contact Rosie Wece at gwece@wecefarms.com for more information.

Women’s Ministry Opportunities

Periodically throughout the year, emails are sent out with a variety of women’s ministry opportunities. These include events such as the Southern Illinois Women’s Connection luncheons at Kokopelli Restaurant in Marion, the annual FOOTSTEPS women’s discipleship conference by Eagle House Ministries at Shawnee Community College, other special seminars, and more. Please contact Rosie Wece at gwece@wecefarms.com if you would like to be added to this email list.